PlutoTV Best Free Live TV Streaming Application
Pluto TV was started in 2013 in Los Angeles. Pluto TV started with an old but simple business plan. Provide people free content and make money from ad revenue. Yes, PlutoTV is completely free! This was TV’s original business plan back in the day until greed came into the picture. When Pluto started it had limited content and a limited audience. However as it grew steam and more content, it gained more users. So many users that in March 2019, PlutoTV was acquired by Viacom for $340 Million dollars. Viacom owns lots of content and some channels you may have heard of like MTV, VH1, BET, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, TV Land and the Paramount Network.
Now you are not going to get the four major networks (ABC, FOX, CBS & NBC) on Pluto TV, which is a no go for many TV viewers. But when you have our Cable Cutting Package you can watch Pluto TV and then use the included 60 Mile HD Antenna to watch all of the major networks, plus tons of other local channels for free in HD. So you get all of the great content on PlutoTV and also more free channels including the major networks. None of this content comes with a monthly bill!!!
Pluto TV and Viacom have integrated much of this content into specialized channels on Pluto TV. You will find a channel that shows Ridiculousness, Rob and Big and Fantasy Factory that all play 24/7. So while you may not get a full fledged MTV, you will get tons of MTV content. We actually like these niche style of channels over a full MTV channel. While we love shows like Rob and Big, we are not huge fans of 16 and Pregnant 😊
So before we jump into the content that is offered, we wanted to mention a few negatives about Pluto TV. The first and most glaring is that Pluto TV does not work properly on most Android TV Boxes. It only works on Android TV boxes with certain versions of Android like the newer versions of the SkyStream Three Plus. We actually spoke to the people at Pluto two years ago and told them about this glaring limitation. We were told that they were working on it and it should work on every device soon. That has not come to fruition as of this article being written. But we hope it gets fixed soon.
So the next issue that we would like to see improved on Pluto TV is the app itself. The UI, while usable could be improved a good amount. The channel guide screen seems to waste a lot of valuable space. The channels take up about 35% of the screen at the bottom, then you have about 30% blank space in the middle and about 35% at the top that shows what is on and some info about the show. In our opinion if you split that blank space up between the channels and the preview box, it would be perfect.
The on demand section could use some work as well. Yes we said on demand section! Pluto TV has a good amount of on demand shows and movies for free. But we will cover that a little further down.
The on demand section has two shortcomings that could be improved upon. The ability to add shows to a favorite list instead of searching for the show each time would be great. Also having some indicator of episodes that you have already watched would be fantastic. When you click on an episode that you have already watched but is not marked, it asks you if you want to replay the episode. When you click back to pick another episode it starts that one and you have to back out again. Definitely not a deal breaker, but can be slightly annoying as you move deeper into a season and forget what the last episode was that you watched.
Please don’t get us wrong, we love Pluto TV! We just think there could be some small improvements that would make the experience a tad better. But FREE quality content is never a bad thing and we really like the fact that they are making money the old fashioned way with advertising and not double dipping with ads and an ever increasing monthly fee. So lets jump into the content!
Here is the most comprehensive channel list that we could find. But PlutoTV seems to keep adding new channels all of the time. So by the time you read this they will probably already added more content.
Pluto TV Complete Channel List 2019
- TV Spotlight
- Pluto Movies
- Pluto Movies 2
- TV Family
- Action Movies
- TV Comedy
- TV Drama
- Flicks of Fury
- TV Thrillers
- Horror 24/7
- TV Documentaries
- TV Indies
- Classic Movies
- TV Romance
- Black Cinema
- TV Westerns
- TV Cine
- Gravitas Movies
- The Asylum
News channels
- Today's Top Story
- News 24/7
- NBC News
- Cheddar News
- TYT Network
- NewsmaxTV
- Newsy Top Stories
- RT America
- Sky News
- Bloomberg Television
- The Weather Network
Sports channels
- Pluto Sports
- FOX Sports
- Impact! Wrestling
- Fight
- Combate World
- Stadium
- Surf Channel
- Sports News
- Glory Kickboxing
- Combat GO
- AAA Lucha Libre Wrestling
- Big Sky Conference
- Funny AF
- TV Sitcoms
- Stand Up TV
- Rifftrax
- FailArmy
- Cats 24/7
- The Onion
- Cracked
- The Pet Collective
Geek and Gaming
- The Feed
- Hive
- Anime All Day
- Anime All Ages
- Minecraft TV
- WHAM Network
- CNet
- Geek Sundry
- Nerdist
Chill Out
- Internet Gold
- Vibes
- Monstercat
- Eye Candy
- Naturevision
- SLOW tv
- 4K TV
- Cash Cab
- Chassy
- Man Up
- Wipeout
- Crime Network
- The New Detectives
- Unsolved Mysteries
- Forensic Files
- DOG The Bounty Hunter
- TV Conspiracy
- TV Animals
- Cold Case Files
- Shout TV
- Classic TV
- Live Music Replay
- Kids TV
- After School Cartoons
- Classic Toons
- Awesomeness
- Nosey
- What?!
- revry
Life + Style
- TV Cars
- TV Her
- People TV
- Gordon Ramsey's Hell's kitchen Uncensored
- PopSugar
- Front Door
- Adventure TV
- Food TV
- Voyager Documentaries
- Science TV
- TV history
- Docu TV
- TV Biography
- Law & Crime
Music & Radio
- Main Stage
- The City
- Red Cup
- The Cross
- Fuego
- 70's
- 80's
- 90's
- Y2K
- Dash 1
- Loud
- Dash indie
- Doggystyle
- Electro City
- Discover
- Dash Alternative
- Monstercat
- Subdustrial
- Euphoria
- The Strip
- 11
- The Oldies
- Ratpack
- What the Funk
- The Bridge
- Moonlight
- Pure Soul
- Love Songs
- La Isla
- Reggae King
- Cool
Here are some screen shots of how the Pluto TV app looks on our SkyStream Three Plus Android TV Box!
There is one teeny tiny catch. And when we say teeny tiny we really mean it. While the majority of the content on Pluto TV is completely free and you don’t even have to sign up. There is some on demand content that is not available until you activate it. The activation process is very easy and is completely free. You don’t have to do it, but why not. You are getting even more content for free!
As you can see Pluto TV has a lot to offer. Lots of Live TV channels, On Demand TV Shows and On Demand Movies! Overall we think that PlutoTV is a fantastic Live TV Stream Application! It is extremely refreshing to see a free application that offers so much content and only makes money from the advertising that it airs on its channels. It is a great combination of great content thanks to being owned by Viacom and a rock solid business model. I have personally not had cable for a long time and do not watch a lot of live TV. But Pluto TV has had me watching a lot of live TV lately. I would highly suggest giving Pluto TV a shot. It is free and if it works on your device you will have access to tons of Free content.
If the App does not work well on your device, please feel free to contact PlutoTV and let them know. https://support.pluto.tv/hc/en-us/requests/new